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Artwork, family photographs, ephemera



Bev Moon's mother and father on their honeymoon, New Zealand 1955-56. Ng (Yip) Sue Yen and Ng Sik Kwun. 母亲Yip Sue Yen 和父亲Ng Sik Kwun于1955-56年在新西兰度蜜月  母親Yip Sue Yen 和父親Ng Sik Kwun於1955-56年在紐西蘭度蜜月
Bev Moon original charcoal and pastel life drawing of a woman
Bev Moon, The Florist's Dog, oil on canvas painting. 花店的狗,布面丙烯和油画作品(2020年) 花店的狗,布面丙烯和油畫作品(2020年)
Bev Moon original  takeaway menu painting fish and chips acrlic on canvas. Two Paua Fritters and a Scoop of Chips, acrylic on canvas, 2021 (detail) 两块鲍鱼饼和一份炸薯条,布面丙烯作品(2021年)(细节) 兩塊鮑魚餅和一份炸薯條,布面丙烯作品(2021)(細節)
Bev Moon, Archie, oil on canvas, 2020. Private collection Archie,布面油画作品(2020年)私人收藏 Archie,布面油畫作品(2020年)私人收藏

Yip, Tack Lee (Born at Canton) - Age 11 - Arrived aboard Moeraki - Certificate issued in Wellington 28 September 1920 - Paid £100 [Archives reference: ACGV 8836 W1514 L24 3 433 L24/28 R23676951] Archives New Zealand, The Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua 

Hand coloured photograph of my Chinese grandmother Yip (Lee) Choy Kee, early 1940s, New Zealand
Bev Moon original charcoal drawing of mother and baby
Bev Moon collage illustration for the Anawhata Music Festival, New Zealand (detail)
Bev Moon's father's suitcase. Photo by Michael Hamilton
Yip Sue Hong (my uncle) Lee Choy Kee (grandmother) and Yip Tack Lee (Dixon) (grandfather) holding Yip Sue Yen, China, March 1932 mother’s side of the family)  叔叔Yip Sue Hong,祖母Lee Choy Kee李彩贵和祖父Yip Tack Lee叶德顺(Dixon)带着母亲Yip Sue Yen, 于1932年3月在中国  叔叔Yi
Bev Moon, Jim Geddes, Marcella Geddes and staff outside the Eastern Southland Gallery in Gore, Southland, New Zealand
Installation shot of the exhibition Fortune by Bev Moon at Whirinaki Whare Taonga, Upper Hutt